Telogen Effluvium: Everything You Need to Know

Telogen Effluvium hair loss due to stress

Hair loss can be traumatic.  Whether it’s due to the natural process of aging or because of some medical condition, the sight of thinning hair can really play havoc with our confidence and self-esteem.  There are lots of causes for hair loss, and some of them are temporary conditions that will improve in time.  One of those conditions is telogen effluvium (TE), which is a loss of hair due to physical or psychological stress.


What is Telogen Effluvium?

Like many medical terms, telogen effluvium sounds worse than it is.  Telogen refers to the natural process in which hair follicles go dormant, and effluvium refers to a discharge.  Put simply, all healthy hair follicles go through a resting stage where they don’t grow, so when they fall out, they’re not replaced immediately.  This is usually a very small percentage of the hairs on the scalp at any one time.  But when someone has been exposed to stress, such as an emotional episode or illness, more hair goes into  telogen mode.  This can even happen after a hair grafting procedure and is a normal healing process.  Generally, TE affects more women than men, usually during middle  age.

How is Telogen Effluvium Different from Other Forms of Hair Loss?

Unlike other types of hair loss such as male pattern baldness—which starts at the crown and recedes from the front hairline—TE affects the top of the scalp only.  And since it is not a disease of the scalp, TE does not cause your scalp to itch or be irritated.  You’ll simply see extra hair in the shower or on your pillow, but it may not be as visible to others since it’s directly on the top of your head.  That’s a pretty good indication that your hair loss is TE and nothing more serious.

Will My Hair Grow Back?

There’s some good news if you’re losing hair because of TE, because it is an acute condition, which means it’s temporary.   As your body recovers from the stress that caused the hair loss, your follicles will eventually re-activate and start growing hair again.  This process may take a few months, but once the new growth cycle begins, you’ll start to see your hair coming in and the balding spot will start disappearing. Growth and dormancy cycles happen throughout our lifetimes; it’s just that with TE, that cycle is temporarily disrupted.

Can The Hair Loss Be Reversed?

It’s often been said that the health of your hair is a reflection of the health of your body, and that’s generally true.  Managing stress—which is the culprit that causes TE—should be a priority.  Good diet, adequate sleep, and regular exercise will help you get back healthy hair.   In the meantime, and if the hair loss is particularly noticeable or disturbing, temporary solutions like hair pieces or extensions can be used to fill in the gap until nature takes over again.  Some people may also choose to use topical solutions, such as Minoxidil, to stimulate hair growth, but that is something that should be discussed with your dermatologist.

Healthy Eating—Healthy Hair

In addition to eating a normal balanced diet, certain nutrients aid in the health of hair.  Protein in particular is important, because hair is essentially made from it.  Fish, lean meat, eggs, and certain vegetables provide a good source of protein that will nourish your hair as it comes back.  Your health care provider may also recommend certain supplements, such as iron, biotin, or B vitamins to help.  It’s always a good idea to have a blood test to see if you’re lacking in any nutrients.  It’s also a good way to rule out any other possible causes, such as hormonal changes, which can trigger TE in women shortly after giving birth.

What Should I Do about my TE?

First and foremost, relax.  The temptation to stress over your hair will make it harder for it to come back. Maintaining good hygiene, in the form of regular shampooing and brushing as you normally do, is generally recommended.  It’s also a good idea to discuss the situation with a health care provider who knows about hair loss, if nothing else just to rule out other problems.  There are solutions to help you get through this.


Concerned About Your Hair?

Whether you have TE or not, maybe you’ve been considering restorative treatment for your hair? The hair transplant clinic in Mexico HairFix , has the answers you’re looking for. The hair transplant cost Mexico is more affordable cost than anywhere in the United States.A highly qualified and bi-lingual medical staff is standing by to help you.  Our hair loss doctor in Mexico, perform eyebrow and beard transplant cost, as well as non-surgical mesotherapy to stimulate hair growth. Contact us today for a free consultation! Ask us about mesotherapy for hair cost, hair restoration in Tijuana and stem cell therapy for hair loss in Tijuana.

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Hairfix Medical Team

Hairfix is ​​a Hair Transplant Clinic in Tijuana, Mexico, that offers preventive and corrective solutions for hair loss in NewCity Medical Plaza, the most important medical tourism complex in Latin America.

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