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Peladophobia: The Fear Of Bald People

Peladophobia: the fear of bald people

It’s October, and Halloween is just around the corner! Everyone is ready for the spookiest time of the year. While bald caps may be a popular accessory, this costume piece hits too close to home for many people, especially if they are dealing with male pattern baldness or alopecia (now that’s terrifying). However, did you know that not only the person going through this condition can feel overwhelmed? There’s a phobia related to bald people

What Is Peladophobia

What Is Peladophobia?

Peladophobia is the fear of bald people. It is a common phobia that produces physiological and physical symptoms that can affect everyone at any age. Someone with this condition may have a panic attack or high anxiety levels when thinking of hair loss, refusing to watch or associate with bald people, or those going through alopecia (even themselves). This excessive worry can cause great mental anguish.

What Causes Peladophobia?

The causes of this surprising phobia are still unknown. But it is believed that genetics and social environment may play a significant role in developing this condition. If there’s a history of mental illness, such as anxiety disorders or other phobias in the family, there’s a higher chance of developing peladophobia.

Causes Peladophobia



What Are The Symptoms of Peladophobia?

  • Anxiety when talking to bald people.
  • Excessively avoiding bald people.
  • Muscle tension and noticeable sweating.
  • Panic attacks.
  • Depression and anxiety.
  • Palpitations and feelings of fear… just like in horror movies!  
  • Emotional distress. 

symptoms of peladophobia

How Is Peladophobia Treated

Just like the causes, there are no treatments to scare away this condition, but there are different ways to improve the symptoms, such as exposure therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and certain psychiatric medications. 

Exposure therapy works by exposing the patient to their fear for a while. The therapist may show photos of a bald person and then tell them to watch videos about baldness and hair loss. This would help the patient control their fear by constantly exposing them to it. The more it is exposed to, the less it will bother them over time. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is another treatment that helps to improve the lives of those who suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). This therapy works by helping the patient uncover what they think and behave when having a fear or concern.

Certain activities, such as meditation or yoga, can also help. Beyond reducing anxiety and treating peladophobia, they can also improve overall wellness, fertility, and more.

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I’m Balding, And I Don’t Want To Look Like Nosferatu!

Noticing hair thinning can surely be scary! Luckily, there’s a solution: We are talking about hair transplants.

At Hairfix, our hair loss doctor in Mexico use the FUE (Follicle Unit Extraction) / DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) technique instead of FUT (which leaves a noticeable scar on the back of your head). With the FUE/DHI technique, you will avoid having a Frankenstein scar! Here are the procedure steps:

  1. Donor Area Preparation. The doctor evaluates the donor area from which the hair will be extracted. Then, the hair in this area is trimmed to facilitate the identification and removal of hair.
  2. Extraction Phase. The follicles are extracted from the scalp with a specialized tool that, with only 1 mm in diameter, allows the hair to be removed safely, precisely, and without the risk of leaving scars.
  3. Implantation Phase. The extracted follicles are now implanted in the areas affected by baldness, such as the crown or sides. Our doctors control each implanted hair’s direction, depth, and angle, achieving natural-looking results.
  4. Healing And Hair Growth. In the first two weeks, following the post-op care instructions indicated by your doctor will be very important. After a month, you will fully recover, and from the 4th month onward, your hair will begin to grow. The final results of your hair transplant will be fully appreciated within 12 months.

Hair Transplant – FUE/DHI Technique Results

With Hairfix, you will achieve natural-looking results and full density without scars.


Hair Transplant Results

Hair Transplant Before And After

How Much Is A Hair Transplant In Mexico?

At Hairfix, a hair transplant cost starts from $2990. 

If you are experiencing hair loss, our hair transplant doctor in Mexico can help. Our specialists have years of experience, followed by great results for those looking to feel more confident and improve their appearance. Don’t let baldness scare you this Halloween! Ask us for hair transplant in Tijuana, and contact us today to schedule an appointment and know the best affordable hair transplant!

Picture of Hairfix Medical Team

Hairfix Medical Team

Hairfix is ​​a Hair Transplant Clinic in Tijuana, Mexico, that offers preventive and corrective solutions for hair loss in NewCity Medical Plaza, the most important medical tourism complex in Latin America.

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