5 Tips To Grow Your Moustache and Beard For Movember

It’s that time of the year again and Movember is back! Movember, also known as No-Shave November, is a campaign where men grow out their facial hair for men’s health initiatives like the fight against prostate and testicular cancer and the support of mental health and suicide prevention programs.
If you’ve been thinking about participating and growing a mustache or a beard, Movember is the perfect time to give it a try, but you’ll likely discover that growing facial hair is as simple as just not shaving.
Here are 5 manscaping tips to grow the perfect beard or moustache during this month:


1. Properly Wash Your Facial Hair


Properly Wash Your Facial Hair


Washing your beard and moustache is easy, but you need to ensure you do it properly. What you must do is cleanse the facial hair area with water and then massage a small amount of facial hair Shampoo & Conditioner, then rinse through.
Washing your facial hair once or twice a week is absolutely fine. You don’t want to wash it too frequently as you will end up stripping the hair of its natural oils and drying your beard out.


2. Comb Your Beard & Moustache


Comb Your Beard & Moustache


Just like how combing the hair on your head will cause hairs to grow a certain way, combing your beard & moustache is absolutely essential. Combing your facial hair each day will ensure your facial hair will grow in the right direction and align perfectly with your face. It will be easier to cut and will also prevent ingrown hairs.


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3. Moisturize Daily


Moisturize Daily


Moisturising is another important step to keep your beard and moustache soft and the skin underneath hydrated. Many people find that beard oil makes it easier to manage their beard, especially as it gets longer. The best time to apply beard oil is after washing your face or taking a hot shower, when your hair and face are clean.


4. Trim Regularly



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Trimming your facial hair prevents flyaways, split ends, dryness, and dishevelment, ensuring that your beard complements your face each and every day. Obviously, you don’t want to trim too often during Movember, but once you obtain more length, trim your beard and mustache every few days to help shape your facial hair and keep you looking your best.


5.Give It Time

Many men experience patchy spots when trying to grow facial hair after a single month. The number one thing you can do is to give it time. Eventually, your beard will fill in enough to cover up any patches or bald spots. But! If you don’t see any changes, don’t let that keep you from supporting No-Shave November. There is one more option for you and it’s a Beard Transplant!


before and after photos beard transplant hair


At Hairfix, we bring you this effective solution to help you achieve fuller-looking facial hair. Our team of specialized doctors will design your beard and mustache according to the shape of your face, age, style, and needs. Feel free to Contact Us to schedule an online or in-office consultation, our hair specialists are ready to welcome you! Ask us about hair implants Tijuana and affordable hair transplant.


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Hairfix Medical Team

Hairfix is ​​a Hair Transplant Clinic in Tijuana, Mexico, that offers preventive and corrective solutions for hair loss in NewCity Medical Plaza, the most important medical tourism complex in Latin America.

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