The best hair transplant results on female celebrities

Hair grafts on female celebrities

Alopecia does not discriminate between genders. Both men and women can experience hair loss, and each case is unique. From hereditary patterns to hormonal factors and medical conditions, the causes of alopecia are varied and celebrities have not been spared from this condition.

Today on the Hairfix blog we will tell you about hair grafts on female celebrities. Find out who has resorted to a transplant and the benefits they have obtained.

Does alopecia affect men and women equally?

No. Alopecia occurs for different reasons in men and women. In women, the hair on the top of the head and the crown of the scalp begins to thin and fall progressively.

Although it is rare for women to become completely bald, it is noticeable: the hairline widens, the forehead begins to grow larger, the volume of the hair decreases and spaces where hair is missing begin to be noticed.

Hormonal changes, aging, and family history are some of the causes of baldness in women. For this reason, not even the most famous celebrities have been spared from the effects of alopecia and have had to resort to a hair transplant for women in order to recover their hair.

Celebrities who have resorted to a hair transplant

Hair transplants in famous women are one of the best kept secrets in the world of entertainment. Many celebrities became famous largely for their hair and, therefore, have resorted to transplants to achieve incredible, natural results that would give them back a thick, healthy head of hair.

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston rose to fame in the 1990s thanks to the sitcom ‘Friends’ with her character ‘Rachel Green’ and later for her marriage to Brad Pitt. Her fame is not only due to her great sympathy and taste for fashion, but also for her hair that came to be known as ‘Rachel style’.

Hair transplant for famous women like Jennifer Aniston

Unfortunately, to get her characteristic mane it was necessary to use dyes, extensions, flat irons, hair dryers, among other products that weakened her blonde and voluminous hair at the bottom back of her head.

To recover her hair, Aniston resorted to a hair transplant, in addition to some touch-ups to recover the density of her hair, which she continues to show off with fashionable cuts and hairstyles.

Oprah Winfrey

We all know the American television star presenter, Oprah Winfrey. Born with a thick, wavy and dark mane, typical of African-American women, she began to see a reduction in the volume of her hair in the front area as a result of the treatments she has undergone, in addition to a possible genetic component.

Oprah Winfrey and hair grafts on female celebrities

Oprah solved her alopecia with a hair implant that gave her back the density of her characteristic mane.

Irina Shayk

Russian model Irina Shayk suffered from premature alopecia due to the abuse of hair products, extensions, the abuse of flat irons, among other treatments that are constantly used in the modeling world. In addition, the work stress caused by her job accelerated the loss.

Hair grafts on female celebrities, such as Irina Shayk

Fortunately, by resorting to hair grafting she managed to regain the health and volume of her beautiful hair.

Ariana Grande

Ariana is not only famous for her lyrical soprano voice, but for the long ponytail that has characterized her for years. But this hairstyle is not a coincidence, nor did it arise to set a trend, but to cover the damage she suffered when playing the character of ‘Cat’, when she had to use aggressive dyes to have a bright red.

Ariana Grande and hair grafts on female celebrities

However, her hairstyle caused her another problem: traction alopecia by keeping her hair very stretched and for long periods of time.

To counteract the damage, it is said that Ariana resorted to hair implants to cover the most affected areas.

Naomi Campbell

Naomi Campbell was one of the most prominent models in the late 1990s and early 2000s. She highlighted her great beauty with daring looks in different hair tones, however, frontal fibrosing alopecia caused her front hairline to recede.

Naomi Campbell and hair transplants for women

Initially, Naomi hid the damage from alopecia with wigs, until she resorted to hair transplants that helped her regain the volume of her hair and her title as a fashion icon.

Keira Knightley

Keira Knightley, who became famous for the film ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ began to experience hair loss due to frequent dyeing for her stage appearances. Thanks to hair transplants, she managed to recover her hair.

Hair grafts on female celebrities are trending

Trust Hairfix and recover your hair

You, like these celebrities, can resort to hair transplants to recover the health and density of your hair. Schedule your appointment at the Hairfix Hair Restoration Clinic where our specialists will help you make your dream come true.

Picture of Dra. Karla Saldívar

Dra. Karla Saldívar

Dr. Karla Saldívar is a teacher in Clinical Nutrition and an expert in hair grafting on the head, beard and eyebrows, as well as hair mesotherapy to increase density and improve hair quality. Graduated and graduated from the Centro de Estudios Universitarios Xochicalco, Campus Tijuana, Mexico, Dr. Karla Saldívar has trained with the best hair restoration doctors nationwide, in addition to her extensive experience in the use of artistic and technological skills. Her priority is to help her patients to recover not only their hair, but their safety and self-esteem, which is why she is characterized by making her patients feel comfortable and providing them with quality care.

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